A Dream to Ponder

A Dream to Ponder

The other night, I had the most amazing dream. Perhaps significantly or perhaps not, it came to me on the night Loving the Missing Link, my first book, went live on Amazon. I don’t want to break its beautiful spell by tearing it apart. But I would be interested in what you think it might mean.
The Dream:

I am sitting, cross-legged on the most beautiful hardwood floor I have ever seen. It is made of a rich, golden oak and polished to a brilliant shine. The floor stretches out in all directions so far that I can’t see the end of it.

But, I am not so much sitting on the floor as I am hovering about a inch or two above it. I am looking at the beauty of the floor and enjoying the gentle sounds of music playing from somewhere far away. I am at perfect peace.

Suddenly, my vision begins to fade, and then I become blind. My hearing begins to fail, and I become deaf. My arms and legs begin to go numb, and then I can’t feel anything. Yet, I am not afraid.

The only thing left to my awareness is what is going on in my mind. In the dream, I am asking myself, “Am I dead? Is this what death feels like?” And yet, I am still not afraid or panicked. I feel wonderful.

So, that’s the end of the dream.

I told my son about the dream, and he had an answer for me. He said, “Mom, you weren’t dead.”

I asked, “How do you know?”

He said, “You thought, therefore you were.”

Well, I guess that’s as good an answer to that question as any, but I still don’t know what that dream meant or where it came from. I only know that I woke up feeling happy. Isn’t that odd?

So, if you have any insight into the meaning of this incredible dream, share it with me. I don’t want to dissect it myself, but I am interested in your impressions about it. Give it your best shot. I’ll be anxiously awaiting any input you might have. So, comment away. Your opinions matter to me and as always, they matter to the world.

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