Got Lots of Excuses Not to Write? Time to Put on Your Big Girl Panties and Get to Work!

My daughter-in-law, as well as a lot of other people I know, loves to talk about “putting on your big girl panties.” Of course, it can refer to any rough job you have to do, from confronting an old enemy to going to work when you don’t feel well. If you know the job has to be done, you have to put on some kind of armor to get you through the day, and big girl panties work as well as any other.

Big girl panties are amazing at squelching the entire gamut of excuses we have to do the things we are trying to avoid. Unfortunately, there are times when I just don’t feel like sitting down at the computer and pounding out something worthwhile. Or don’t think I’m able. Well, when that happens, I force myself to do what I don’t want to do or don’t think I can do. I put on those big old panties and forge ahead. Here are some of the writing problems I have had to overcome and how I have done it.

I Don’t Feel Well Enough to Write
When I am feeling lousy, it is not a time to try to produce anything worthy of being published immediately. There is too much of a chance that my illness will distract me enough to ruin my work. That doesn’t mean I take the day off of writing. Even if I can only write for 15 minutes, I do it. I do it because I don’t want to get out of my routine, and because it often helps me feel better both mentally and even physically.

The Stress Is Killing Me Around Here!

Stress and anxiety have been a major problem for me. In the past, anxiety kept me from following my dreams, meeting new people, and even keeping up with household chores. Thank goodness my husband is not afraid to do a dish or sweep a floor. But in recent years, I have learned to work with my anxiety. Instead of letting it destroy my happiness, I manage it like I would manage an unruly child. I observe the times, places and situations that make me most relaxed, and I take advantage of them constantly. For example, I write every night from midnight to 7am. That is the time when my anxiety is at its lowest point and when I can be most productive. Instead of telling myself it is impossible to write when I feel anxious, I put on those big old pants and arrange my schedule so I can get it done. I wouldn’t recommend this sleep schedule for everyone, but it works for me.

The Noise Is Overpowering!

When the noise is just too much around your house to get any work done, look for places where you can get the least amount of audio interference. I have an office/laundry room where I write when things are too loud for me. If I am still hearing too much outside interference, I just do some laundry. Of course, it does make noise, but it is like white noise, blocking out unwanted sounds while creating no sudden noises of its own.

My Kids Won’t Let Me Write!

Hey, don’t blame it on your kids! If you really wanted to write, you would find a way. Night writing works for some people. Others get creative in finding ways to occupy their children while they work. The kids can do art projects or even write their own stories while you are occupied. If all else fails, you can hire a babysitter or take your kids to the daycare center for a few hours each week. Then, use that time to write. If you are committed to your writing, it is not too great a sacrifice.

I Don’t Have Anything to Write About!

If that were true, you would not be interested I writing at all. Somewhere inside you, there is a story you want to tell. If you don’t realize what it is right away, there are several ways to deal with it. First, you can create some characters and put them into unusual situations. Have your character take a wrong turn o the way to work and see where it leads her. Or, you can spend some time simply observing the world around you. Take along something to record your observations. Then, go through these notes until something sparks your interest. A creative writing teacher (mine and a lot of others I imagine) used to always say, “Writers write.” The point is, if you want to be a writer, don’t just talk about writing, don’t just dream about writing. No, if you want to be a writer, pick up a pen, sink your fingers into your computer keyboard, talk into a recorder, or whatever you have to do to get the story started. It doesn’t matter if every word is not a jewel. You can work o it more later. In the meantime, put on those big girl panties and start writing!

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